Tuesday, July 7, 2009


There's an old man sitting on an old park bench,
Watching the birds who are watching him.
And I wouldn't think anything's different 'bout him,
But he's been there for two days, and a week before them.
(What's he doing?)
People walk by and they try not to see
What a horrible life that could come to be...for them.

And I'm sure this old man has a story somewhere.
And I'm sure he would share it if somebody would care.

It wasn't his fault...
The kids grew up and his wife passed on and the money's gone,
So they threw him out on the street...
What a solution.
It wasn't his fault.

There's a little girl sitting on a street corner.
She's crying and in pain.
As the pangs of hunger rape her,
Her feelings, they just drain.
And people pass by on the street,
But her eye--their eyes never meet!
They try to pretend they don't see her, she's there!

And I'm sure this little girl has a story somewhere.
And I'm sure she would share it if somebody would care.

It wasn't her fault...
Her parents were too young and maybe they tried but they just couldn't cope,
So they threw her out on the street...
What a solution.

It wasn't her fault.

Well, one day the old man decided to walk
Across the street and down the block.
And he found the little girl on the corner there,
He couldn't just pass her by so he stopped and he stared...
"Can I help you?"

And I'm sure this little girl can find a smile somewhere.
And I'm sure this old man could complete the perfect pair.

It wasn't his fault...the money's gone.
It wasn't her fault...they were too young.

What a solution.

There's a little old man and a real little girl,
Sitting on a park bench watching the world...

It wasn't his fault.

It wasn't her fault.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dear Mommy...

I am a worrier. I find myself in a constant state of anxiety, needlessly planning the funerals of my loved ones when they don't return a call I was expecting or are a few minutes late. I am easily brought to tears just thinking about losing a family member. I wrote this in my head on my way to work one morning, from the prospective of a young girl who misses her mother. I am grateful for every moment I have spent with my mom and pray every day for many, many more!

Dear Mommy,
I'm starting school today!
I wish you weren't so far away.
What if nobody likes me there?
What if the teacher doesn't care?
Daddy misses you, Mommy, and so do I.
I get scared sometimes when I hear him cry.
But when we're together, he tries not to fuss...
Mommy, why can't you come back to us?

Dear Mom,
I became a woman today!
I wish you were here to help me that way.
I can't tell Dad, he wouldn't know what to do.
I really need to talk to you!
I like this boy in my third hour class,
And today he smiled when he saw me pass.
I'm so happy, Mom, and I think I'm in love!
Can you see me smiling from your cloud up above?

Dear Mom,
I'm graduating today.
I wish you were here and not far away.
I'm afraid of going out into the world.
Mommy, please help me, I'm just a small girl!

Dear Mother,
I got married today!
Daddy looked so handsome when he gave me away.
Our friends were all there, and I wore your white dress.
The cook dropped the cake, though, and oh! What a mess!
There was laughter and fun, Mom, and you should have been there...
But in some ways you were. I felt your smiling stare.

Dear Mom,
I received some important news today.
The doctor says there's a baby on the way.
I'm excited, Mom, but frightened, too.
I'm not sure I can do this without you.

Dear Mommy,
My new daughter died today.
I can't understand why God took her away.
"She'll be okay," the doctors all said,
But she never woke up when we put her to bed.
I know that she's gone and I can't bring her back,
And I'm trying to keep my life on its track.
I'd like to break down, and I've got reason to.
I just lost my child, and I never knew you!
I never got to hold your hand as she never will hold mine.
Mom, please say that you're taking care of her. Give me some kind of sign!

Dear Mother,
My only son took his bride today.
They looked so happy, driving away.
They're honeymooning in Europe somewhere;
Please try to watch out for them over there.

Dear Mommy,
They told me I'm dying today.
Now, with my first grandchild on his way.
The doctor said I'd be fine, but I guess he was wrong;
Two others have said that I haven't got long.
Oh Mommy, please help me, I'm so very scared!
I can't die yet, I'm not prepared!
There are so many things that I still need to do...
Business left that I never got to.
I just learned right now that time goes by so fast...
I didn't realize how many years have gone past.
Have I wasted my life? Or did I do okay?
Mommy, I wish you weren't so far away.

Hello there, Mom.
I know it's been quite a while.
You look wonderful, though; it's good to see you smile.
You won't believe me, Mom; I've been through so much.
But I tried very hard to keep you in touch.
Since we last spoke, I've been doing much better.
By the way, Mom, I wrote you this letter...

Dear Mommy...

Friday, July 3, 2009

I Will Try

I've been doing some housecleaning today and came across a random stack of papers on a bookshelf. Within the stack, I found sheet music, the script from a play I was in my junior year of high school...and pages and pages of poetry--including one written on a napkin! (It's so me!) I was saving them all onto my computer and thought to share one here. Most of my old work is a little rough and needs some cleaning up...this one is completely raw, though, written about an old boyfriend...though I couldn't say which one. ;-)

I’m not demanding that you stay with me…
And I’m not telling you how your life should be.
I’m just promising if you should ever need me—
Just close your eyes, there I’ll be.
I’m not swearing you my undying love.
I’ve done that countless times in the stars above…
Now, I’m not saying that if you leave me, I’ll die.
But I won’t promise you that I won’t cry.
And maybe I won’t love you when forever’s gone by…
But I swear to you, I will try.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Don't Look Down

One day, I won't listen. Until then, I'll write.


Hold your breath.
Pretty soon, he’ll walk away.
Then he’ll head on home and
You’ll have made it through another day.

Don’t say the words.
He might not feel the same.
And even if he says he does,
Would it change a thing?

Don’t look down.
Heard it a million times.
It’s supposed to keep you feeling safe
When you’re way up high.

Don’t look down.
Too late to say don’t fall.
Is it best to know at least he cares
Than not know at all?

Don’t look down.
You don’t know what waits there, girl.
It might be the happy ending
You’ve been searching for.

But then, maybe not.
It could be the end.
You might change everything,
You could lose a friend.

So, hold your breath.
Don’t let him see you frown.
Fake a smile, try not to cry…
And don’t look down.